
“TOPICAL PROBLEMS IN PAEDIATRY”, XV-th Congress of Pediatricians



On 12-13 October, 2021 “Topical Problems In Paediatry”, XV-th Congress of Pediatricians took place in President hotel in Kyiv in the mixed format of online and offline.


It is the biggest event in the life of paediatricians, which has gathered the leading scientists, Health Care representatives and practicing doctors, which provide medicinal help to children. On the first day of work the following question was considered: recurrent respiratory diseases, which is the main reason for patients to refer to doctors-pаediatrists, decrease in visiting kindergartens and schools.


“Optimization of treatment and prophylaxis measures under conditions of recurrent diseases of respiratory system in children” symposium was organized. Researches with Alpicol phytotherapeutic complex, which prove that Alpicol supports positive dynamics of symptoms in patients with viral rhinosinusitis and decrease in the frequency and duration of ARVI episodes in patients with recurrent respiratory infections, were reported in the frame of symposium.