
According to statistics, a runny nose (rhinitis) is the most common symptom of a cold, and sinusitis is the most frequent complication of a runny nose¹.

CINNABSIN®* is a complex natural remedy from Germany that has been helping noses and little noses cope with colds for over half a century. Cinnabaris quickly and reliably relieves such typical symptoms of sinus inflammation as headaches, tearing, and neuralgia in the facial area. Hydrastis and Kalium bichromicum mainly act in the subacute and chronic course of the disease, which often occurs with prolonged sinusitis. All three ingredients help reduce mucosal swelling and restore nasal breathing. Echinacea contributes to the overall support of the immune system.

  • Reduces mucosal swelling and restores nasal breathing
  • Normalizes the natural cleansing of the nose and sinuses²,³,⁴
  • Speeds up recovery and prevents complications²,³,⁴

The key feature of Cinnabsin® is its multi-profile action. This sets it apart from vasoconstrictive nasal drops, which restore nasal breathing by constricting blood vessels, potentially worsening mucosal blood supply and causing dryness and disruption of mucociliary clearance – the natural mechanism of nasal and sinus cleansing.

The effectiveness and safety of Cinnabsin® have been proven by numerous clinical studies²,³,⁴, and for two consecutive years, it has been the consumer favorite in the category “Cold Remedy” in 2020 and 2021, based on public voting results in the All-Ukrainian national project “Ukrainian People’s Award.”

Runny nose, sinusitis? Cinnabsin® – breathe freely!

Find out more about Cinnabsin® at

Advertisement of a medicinal product. Be sure to read the instructions before use and consult your doctor. There are contraindications and side effects. Keep out of reach of children. Cinnabsin® tablets: UA/6790/01/01, indefinite validity from 09.08.2017. Manufacturer: Dr. Gustav Klein GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. Representative in Ukraine: “Alpen Pharma AG,” Bern, Switzerland. Exclusive distributor: PJSC “Naturpharm,” 30a Lisna St., Kyiv, Pushcha-Vodytsia, 04075; phone: (044) 401-81-03. If you wish to report an adverse reaction and/or have medical information inquiries and/or quality complaints about Cinnabsin®, please send an email to

1. Unified clinical protocol for primary, secondary (specialized), and tertiary (highly specialized) medical care for acute rhinosinusitis, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on February 11, 2016, No. 85.
2. Levitska S.A. Use of Cinnabsin® in the treatment and prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases in children. JUNG. 2018. 5-P. 57-62.
3. Friese KH, Zabalotnyi DI. Homeopathy in acute rhinosinusitis: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study shows the efficiency and tolerability of a homeopathic combination remedy. HNO. 2007;55(4):271-277. doi:10.1007/s00106-006-1480-x [Article in German].
4. Bezshapochnyi S.B., Podovzhnii O.G., Loburets V.V. Application of Cinnabsin® in the treatment of patients with rhinosinusitis. Rhinology. 2006. 2. 24-29.